Winter comes and I am born anew
Still fresh/ from the mother's womb.
Held by the ancient ones they/ sing their songs to me.
Having patience, I am learning.
And through me all life's turning/ like a water wheel turning.
And though I see the seasons
Mother remains/ Father remains/ Mother remains.
One step and then another/ my life/ unfolds.
Opening her petals like the rose.
I cannot claim to know what lies ahead of me now...
But having trust, I am learning.
And through me all life's turning/ like a water wheel turning.
And though I see the seasons
Mother remains/ Father remains/ Mother remains.
Spiraling up to the sky from my roots like a redwood tree.
Mother, I hear your song in me.
Strength of the earth inside/ on spirit's breath shall I rise...
Having faith to climb/ I’m learning.
Wings flutter on the edge of transformation
Wings flutter on the edge of salvation.
Wings fluttering, wings fluttering/ wings fluttering.
Flying higher than you know
Flying higher than you might feel comfortable
Flying higher as you grow.
Phoenix spread your golden wings and soar
Find your way through that open door
Nothing holds you back or binds you anymore.
Your wings are glorious/ and they shine like the sun
Shining brighter every day/ in the light of the one
In the light of the one.
Flying higher as you grow
Flying higher than you know
Flying higher as you grow
There's a song that heals the breath
And a song that heals the mind
There's a song that heals our bodies and it's
With us all the time.
There's a song that speaks the name
Of the holy one without doubt or shame
There's a song that calls us home
In that sacred name...
There's a song that heals the breath
And a song that heals the mind
There's a song that heals our bodies and it's
With us all the time.
There's a song that speaks of freedom
Of loveliness and light.
There's a song that sings inside us
As we're learning to take flight.
(We're learning to take flight…)
Humble me/ that I may see
Your beauty/ more clearly.
Humble me/ that I may treat
This creation/ with beauty.
The pure water flowing from your breast teach me
To live/ like the ocean.
The pure water flowing from your breast teach me
To live/ like the tree.
The pure fire flowing from your sun/ teach me
To live/ like the open/ heart...
Mother I feel you
Under my feet/ I feel your heart
I feel your heartbeat.*
*Words from "Mother I Feel You" by Dianne Windsong Martin, copyright 1987.
One light/ one love, one/ heart above
We are/ just here for a moment.
We are/ just a spark
In her eye/ as she turns and dances.
With a flick/ of her wrist
Lifetimes fall away.
With a twist/ of her hips
Universes/ are born.
With a kiss from her lips/ immortality
One light/ one love/ one divinity.
With a kiss from her lips/ immortality
One light/ one love/ one divinity.
Crawling out of my skin/ shedding
Letting go of the old/ making way/ for the new
Dying forever to be reborn/ dying forever to be reborn. [1]
Back to the Mother/ going back to the Mother/ giving
Back to the Mother Earth. [1]
Mother of Darkness/ Mother of Light
Earth beneath us/ soul in flight
Songs of love and love of life/
Guide us to our hearts. [3]
Hoof and Horn/ hoof and horn
All that dies shall be reborn
Corn and grain/ corn and grain
All that falls shall rise again. [2]
We all come from the Goddess/
and to her we shall return/ like a drop
Of rain/ flowing to the ocean. [2]
Earth my body/ water my blood/ air my breath/ and fire my spirit. [4]
[1] "Crawling out of my Skin", by Copperwoman, copyright 1996.
[2]. "We All Come From the Goddess" & "Hoof & Horn,” copyright Z. Budapest.
[3]. All other words in "Shedding" by unknown authors.
When my head comes out/ of the deep, deep water
I see her face/ see her face
(Oh) Jai Ma Goddess/ of a thousand holy names
May I see your face/ and walk your ways.
(Oh) Peace on earth/ in every ocean
Goddess' grace is/ peace in motion
In every valley/ up every mountain
Humble yourself/ before her fountain.
Goddess/ help me to remember you
When I forget/ your truth/ your grace
Jai Ma./ Jai Ma/ Jai Ma.....
Jai Ma/ Jai Ma/ Jai Ma.....
(Oh) Mother of Creation/ walk with me
Guide I footsteps and/ heal I heartbeat
Mother/ Mother/ Mother of Creation
Mother/ Mother/ Mother of All Things
Mother/Mother/ Mother of Creation
I accept your Love.
(Oh) Father of Creation/ walk with me
Guide I footsteps and/ heal I heartbeat
Father/ Father/ Father of Creation
Father/ Father/Father of All Things
Father/Father/ Father of Creation
I accept your Love.
Jai Ma..../ Jai Ma..../ Jai Ma.....
Jai Ma/ Jai Ma/ Jai Ma.
Roses, sweet roses/ opening all around
Roses, sweet roses/ opening with ancient sound
Sweet Mother Mary/ guide my/ way on
Sweet Mother Mary/ guide my/ way home, through
Music, sweet music/ opening all around
Music, sweet music/ opening with ancient sound
There you will find/ the light you seek
There you will find/ the light that you seek
You will know her/ by the flowers in her hair
And know you're home/ by the scent in the air (of...)
You are/ infinite grace/ you shine within all things
You are/ infinite grace/ you shine within all things
How could I believe that we/ are not /one/ Mother
How could I believe that we/ are not/ one/ another
You are/ infinite grace/ you shine within all things
You are/ infinite grace/ you shine within all things
You are/ I am/ as the ocean is wide
You are, I can/ feel you inside
You are, I am/ with the rocking tide
You are/ I am/ you are I
Pray to be humble/ I pray to be pure
Pray to see the love/ that's all around me
Pray to be the love/ I pray to serve
Pray to be the love/ that's all around me
Compassion/ is not so far/ from where you are
Forgiveness/ lives within us
This moment/ is where it starts
(This moment/ is where it starts....
This moment it's/ in our hearts....)
The moon remembers us/ through her dance with the sun
The stars remember us/ through the patterns they
Dance with the one
When you remember me/ for just one moment
I know our love can shine through
When you... (repeat above)/ I cannot deny what's true
When you.../ I know our love can shine through
When you.../ I remember you
The golden threads of your love
Come together to make/ a blanket of light
Keeps me warm/ in the depth of the storm
Why don't we all come/ inside
Shalom/ Yeheshua shalom (3X). Shalom.....
Salaam aleikum/ aleikum as-salaam.....
Loka samasta sukhino bhavantu (2X)
May all the beings/ in all the worlds/ be happy (4X)
[Added lyrics:
Peace to our mothers
Peace to our fathers
Peace to our children
Peace to our ancestors]